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The system shut down during backup mode

If the Moduly Nodz shuts down during a backup/off-grid operation (displayed LED yellow), this could mean the system was overloaded, and as a protection mechanism, it turns off.

  • Restart the device

    • To turn off the Moduly Nødz, press the power button located at the bottom-left of the Moduly Nødz controller.

    • Turn off and disconnect the connected appliances at the back of the Moduly Nodz.

    • Wait for at least one minute.

    • To turn on the Moduly Nødz, press the power button located at the bottom-left of the Moduly Nødz controller.

    • Wait a few seconds until the LED color stops changing and becomes yellow.

    • Reconnect the appliances that you want to operate in backup/off-grid mode.

Maximum rated power in backup mode is 2000W

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