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Moduly Mobile Application dashboard shows "No Events Found"

Your device is never charging or discharging, and the Moduly Mobile Application dashboard shows No Events Found in the Next 7 Days section.

This is happening because you have not provided enough information for your device to be able to optimize your energy usage.

  1. Verify Optimization Setting in Moduly Mobile Application:

    • Navigate to Ecosystem and select your Nødz device.

    • Ensure Moduly Optimization is toggled to the right.

  2. Check Utility and Rate Plan:

    • Go to Profile -> Energy Provider and confirm your utility and rate plan are accurate.

    • Make sure that the rate plan you have selected is not a flat rate plan. If you are unsure whether you are subscribed to a Time-of-Use (TOU) plan or a flat rate plan, please contact your utility.

  3. Contact Support:

    • If you cannot find your utility or rate plan in the list, please contact Moduly support at

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.