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Device stopped discharging abruptly with high state of charge

If you have noticed that your device has stopped discharging abruptly while the battery state of charge is higher than 25%, then it is likely that your device’s batteries need to be recalibrated.

Do the following steps:

  1. Check Power Switch: Ensure the device’s power switch is in the ON position.

  2. Verify Settings in Moduly Mobile Application:

    1. Open the Moduly Mobile Application and navigate to Ecosystem

    2. Select your Nødz device.

    3. Toggle Moduly Optimization to the left.

  3. Force Charge

    1. In the same screen, set the device to Charge

    2. The LED on the device should turn green; allow it to charge fully (may take several hours).

  4. Reactivate Optimization

    1. Once fully charged, toggle Moduly Optimization back to the right.

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