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Connect to your Solar Inverter

If you have solar panels and a smart solar inverter, you’re in luck! Moduly works best with solar energy. Pairing your smart solar inverter in the Mobile Application will allow Moduly to optimize your Moduly Nødz’s charge schedules to make sure that you charge while the energy is coming from your solar panels.

To pair your smart solar inverter, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Moduly Mobile Application.

  2. Login to your Account.

  3. In the Ecosystem, tab on the white + sign next to Solar Panels.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to choose your solar inverter brand.

  5. Login to your solar inverter account. If you do not have these credentials, you’ll need to follow your solar inverter brand’s guidelines to create an account.

  6. Once this is done, your smart solar inverter will be paired.

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